Monday, May 13, 2019

Our Mother's Day Weekend

In the weekend, we celebrated Mother's Day. All our Dads and cousins, gave our Mums and Grandmothers some cards. In the cards, we all drew pictures and wrote a note for them. We also gave them a big party. Some of us made lots and lots of food, while some were making cakes, some were making muffins & pancakes, some of us helped to prepare the pigs and of course all of us helped to eat with Mum and Grandma.
We all felt so special because our Mums has done so much for us and we were trying to make her feel like an angel by making her smile and relax.

Monday, May 6, 2019

The Sunflower

Last Friday afternoon,  Meela was playing with her classmates for our DP after lunch. Everyone built their own designs using different things like blocks, papers, dinosaurs and different shapes.

Meela took time to think of something to design. While she was thinking, everyone else did their own thing and built their own adventures. She finally made up her mind that she will  make something super special. 

She made a yellow sunflower with a white shell to protect it from the insects. The whole class were excited to see her beautiful creation.