Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Explain Everything: Taking our Writing to the next level

Today in Cybersmart we used our Explain Everything skills to take our writing to the next level. We took a photo of our writing books and used the crop tool to only show the writing part.

Then we drew a picture using the explain everything tools. It was really fun.

Finally we recorded ourselves reading our own story, so that our writing was taken to the next level!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Explain Everything: More Reading

 Today in Cybersmart we continued to practice our reading. You can see we improved our videos by making sure the background image was larger, and that there was less noise around me.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Explain Everything: Practicing your reading

 Today in Cybersmart we learned to use our iPads in reading!

We can take photos of our reading book into Explain Everything, and then record ourselves practicing our reading. Check out what we did!