Friday, March 14, 2014

Why I Like Milk

I like milk because milk gives you energy. I like milk because it is fresh and makes me healthy and strong. I like milk because it is healthy. When I hold the milk I am so thirsty. I like milk every time after lunch. Rosiephine and I go and get the milk. The teacher says to stand in a line. I like milk because it comes from cows. The cows eat grass which turns which turns into milk. We drink milk and the milk is called Fonterra milk.

By Makalita

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    Makalita what a beautiful piece of work you did on why is milk healthy and I like the words you used for this piece of work and also I like you picture of yourself.
    What is your favorite kind of milk?
    From your soul friend Kalolaine.
