Friday, March 2, 2018

My Birthday

I am learning to write down my ideas into a story.
By: Melie
To-day I went to the movies and a picnic for my birthday. My one sister came and 5 brothers came too and my aunties came and my uncles too. Mum and Dad bought some pizzas and chips. We all came in one car. I came with my  Mum and Dad's 4 sisters. 


  1. That's a lot of people for one car. Happy birthday! I am sure you had a great time. Excellent writing.

  2. I have to agree with Mr C haha! Melie actually went to Rainbow's End with just one of her first cousins which we had fit perfectly in the car �� Love the idea of how she wanted to include her whole family though. Awesome imagination Melie.

  3. Well done Melie. I love your pictures too. Keep trying harder.
