Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Puppet for Maths

This morning, we did Maths with Mrs. Coakley. She let us talk to each other using our new friends (puppets). We did counting forward from different numbers. We had fun because we got to say different numbers with our new friends.  Naomi had the first chance because she knew the first number. 

We all had turns to say some numbers. It was really fun to see our new friends face when we said the right numbers.  At the end of it, the whole class had a turn to play with our puppets and to count too.

After that, Annabelle had the first turn and than Hope after that. We hope that our new friends, puppet will visit us again during this year.

1 comment:

  1. I am sure Mrs Coakley has many more puppets to help with your learning, Ruma Wha. It is amazing how much they know.

