Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Exciting Day At Badminton.

On a still Tuesday morning the weather was still and calm but also quiet. Then Room 4 and I rushed out quickly to go to BADMINTON. After that when we settled down we got started.

First of all we buddied up with a parnter. My partner was Kalolaine. We all got a short racquet because it is easier to hit with. Kalo and I were pretty good at hitting it to each other without a net. Then we got to hit it over the nets. Kalo and I were versing Vaine and Kanesini. At the end of the game the points were 5-3. Kalo and I won that game. But then another disappointment! We lost some games but we still had fun. Our coaches name was " Glorrine. "

At badminton I felt disappointment because Kalo and I lost most of the games. My highlight of badmintion was when we were hitting it to each other without a net, I lid that because it was easy and fun.


  1. Well done for posting your writing on the class blog.

  2. hi alecia its me sonia you sister great work
    that you are doing keep it up.
    ps good luck next year ok
    from sonya, makalita,sana,and family
